Co-Carts – vehicles for the community
a project by orizzontale
curated and produced by Lungomare


The Co-Carts are vehicles for the community whose forms and functions stimulate collaborations, highlight the personalities of the people involved and shape new uses of collective space.

They are bicycle trailers and multifunctional tools that encourage experimentation and alliances as a counterpoint to the specificity and individuality of the car. They are used for individual, mixed and group purposes; they can be assembled and disassembled as needed. They are extroverted vehicles, built to synergise with each other and with the context, strengthening the relationship between residents and the city.

The trajectories they follow outline immaterial and physical connections between spaces and with people, weaving relationships and inviting people to project new images together into the city’s public space.
Co-Carts can be borrowed by all citizens, who want to transform public space and who share the values of the project.


The Co-Carts project was realised as part of the Lungomare Artist Residency 2020 with the architects’ collective orizzontale, in collaboration with Friday for Future South Tyrol, Vivi Maso della Pieve / Officine Vispa and Spazio Autogestito 77.

The Co-Carts are eccentric, open, anti-racist and anti-fascist.


They do not produce personal profit. They support inclusiveness, deconstructing existing categories, not only creating a space but celebrating it. Co-Carts promote freedom of opinion, are multilingual, cross-cultural, and trigger discussion, debate, reactions.

The Faro

The Bravetta

The Strillone

The acchiappasogni

The attivista mobile

Borrow the Co-Carts!

Anyone who wants to get active in the public space can use the Co-Carts. 

The Co-Carts are located at different places in the city and are each maintained by one of the partners. If you would like to borrow a Co-Cart, you will find the contact details of each vehicle, in their specific description below.

Once you have checked availability, all you have to do is sign an agreement to guarantee the correct use of the Co-Carts, define the acceptance of responsibility and share the core values created jointly by Lungomare, orizzontale and the participating organisations.

The loan is free of charge.

The Faro

The Faro opens the way for this extraordinary caravan. With its long neck it emerges on the horizon, turns its head, lights up the road. It is covered in symbols, it communicates to the eye. It brings with it new images for the city, projects them onto walls, scatters them like confetti.

It becomes the banner of a different way of understanding the public, an eye capable of illuminating what appears to be hidden to most.


The Faro is a traveling visual communications tool. It is made up of a metal trellis on wheels. It is equipped with adjustable luminous sections, signaling elements and reflectors to which, if necessary, a projector or amplifiers can be added, in order to organize a party or small outdoor cinema.


Via Rafenstein, 12

The Bravetta

The Bravetta is a mobile table, a tool for both work and collective idleness. It moves through different neighborhoods of the city until it finds the right place to stop and create moments of conviviality. 

An outdoor lunch, a sewing club, reading the newspaper, drawing, a public meeting: opinions are exchanged around a table, knowledge is shared, experiences and cultures are mixed. After all, it takes very little to feel at home somewhere, and in this case the richness and diversity of the city is gathered around a domestic element.


The Bravetta is a long table on wheels. It is made from a sack trolley (bravetta) that has been modified to travel horizontally, with a retractable stand that acts as a support when parked. When not in use it can be stored vertically or used as interior decoration.


Vivi Maso della Pieve / Officine Vispa
Via Maso della Pieve, 60A

The Strillone

The Strillone has a slim outline but is the loudest of all the Co-Carts. It walks the streets, shouts, calls, warns, entertains, informs. It can extend itself above the crowd, making heard the voices of those who have none. Creating moments of public dialogue, spontaneous speakers’ corners moving around the city.

Agile and slender, its platform can accommodate one person, for whom it temporarily becomes a visual or auditory prosthesis. 


The Strillone looks like a long-limbed walking megaphone. Equipped with wheels and knobs, it goes on marches, makes public announcements, clamors for freedom of expression.


Fridays For Future Südtirol

The acchiappasogni

The Acchiappasogni is a large box of games. It can be climbed, lived in, filled, and dismantled. It travels around the city, and wherever it decides to stop it just needs to open its flaps to transform itself into a play area, reclaiming the city as tailor-made for children. A setting for events and experiments, a place for performance and spectacle, a moment for listening and telling, a creative, playful, different space.

The Acchiappasogni is a trailer that can be attached to a bicycle. The external hull resembles an animal, which opens its mouth and extends its tentacles to occupy as much of the surrounding space as possible. All sorts of objects and games come out of the magic box: sheets, carpets, pinwheels, elastic bands, rulers, windsocks, hula hoops, soap bubbles, chalks, paper and pencils …objects to invent games, to change the viewpoint from which you look at the city: to occupy it, to disguise it, to crumple it, to mark it and finally to make it a familiar place.


Vivi Maso della Pieve / Officine Vispa
Via Maso della Pieve, 60A

The attivista mobile

The Attivista mobile is a device that both welcomes and resists. It walks the street, occupying it, transforming it. It makes noise, reflects, shields, and signals. Observation point, mobile barricade, on reaching the crowd it lays down its “weapons” and becomes an urban living room.

Barriers and signs become benches and stools. And so appropriating and sitting down turn out to be complementary, close and overlapping actions.


The Attivista mobile is an instrument of protest and proposal. It resembles a scaffold, but is pulled like a chariot by a pair of bicycles. It enters an interior easily, where it can be dismembered and become functional furniture; when it goes out onto the street it proceeds compactly until it explodes, disseminating objects and making space around itself. 


Spazio Autogestito 77
Via Dalmazia, 77



Lungomare is a cultural association founded in Bolzano in 2003. Lungomare designs, curates and produces transdisciplinary cultural and design projects and collaborations at the intersection of public, virtual, printed, urban and exhibition space. Lungomare works in cross-disciplinary constellations and is a discursive platform for testing and producing alternative forms of artistic, cultural and activist practice, negotiating socio-political issues in its projects and being a place of conviviality on the outskirts of Bolzano.


Orizzontale is an architects’ collective based in Rome whose work crosses the fields of architecture, urbanism, public art, and DIY practice. Orizzontale since 2010 has been promoting projects of common relational spaces, giving form to both dismissed and unseen images of the city. These projects have represented the ground for experimenting new kinds of collaborative interactions between city dwellers and urban commons as well as occasions to test the boundaries of the architectural creation process.


Fridays for Future South Tyrol is a movement that was started after the school strikes of the Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. The movement works for a sustainable transformation of society and economy through protests, workshops and information events. By raising people's environmental awareness and putting pressure on institutions, the movement fights to ensure a good life for future generations around the world.


It is a place open to all citizens as a space for active participation and generative meetings. The community development project centre is a place where informal groups and associations can propose and manage projects aimed at citizenship.


77 is an autonomous, anti-fascist and anti-racist place of encounter. Where the culture of dialogue is rediscovered, where people meet, unite and find their way back to a community.


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